Monday 11 January 2010


Hurray I managed to get out for a run today and Ive done a bit of course work and Ive not eaten rubbish and Ive posted this so today has been good.
Didnt set out on run in good spirits, weather dark cold and wet but I set off slow and managed to do 28 mins with only about 10 steps walking so pat on the back for me.
My foot was playing up before I ran but didn't hurt during, neither did my calves much. Breathing was okish but i think thats down to the cold and not running regularly for a few weeks due to the snow. I did have to run on slushy ice muck but it wasnt too bad
Havent gone to running club yet, always an excuse, but I do want to, even if its to decide its not for me.
Plus on Saturday went to see about membership to new Leisure Centre and that looks exciting. At least I could still run when weather is rubbish, could also build up my speed and do some leg weights which should help my running.
Right off to pick up hubby, nip some ironing back and then eat a lovely tea of salmon pasta.

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