Sunday 19 July 2009

Oh yes!!

Well todays run was fantastic, best one yet.

I didn't even know if I was going to run today as yesterday my everything hurt, especially my legs and feet and I didn't want to make them worse. And it was another 5 min run/ 2.5 walk 4 reps and to be honest after friday I was a bit scared of it. Friday was hard and I didn't know if I would be able to carry on if todays started off as hard. I had even toyed with the idea of going back to the run 3 walk 3 but I hate going backwards so I thought just try and Im so glad I did.

Everything went right, from the right tension on my laces to my breathing. I concentrated right from the first run section on my breathing and it worked itself into a great rhythm. I could even talk a bit and I wasnt gasping at the end of each 5 min run. Even the 2 hills didn't hurt too much.

I did hurt a bit, at the moment my hip hurts and Ive got minor shin splints and my foot tendon is sore so I'm going to do this section for 2 weeks whilst my body gets over these I dont want to risk an injury which puts me back. My chest is no longer burning after my run so thats great, must have been a bit of a bug.

Anyway feel really optamistic and positive. Am actually looking forward to next run on Tuesday.

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